What To Do If You Have Forgotten Your Passcode On Telegram - Smart Buzzing
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What To Do If You Have Forgotten Your Passcode On Telegram

Today on Smart Buzzing, we will be looking at what to do if you have forgotten your passcode on Telegram. I previously covered tutorials on how to prevent your Telegram account from being hacked; however, there are a lot of Telegram tutorials you can also check out here.

Now, to answer the question “What will you do if you have forgotten your Passcode on Telegram?“, well, if you forget your Passcode, you will need to delete and reinstall the app. Unfortunately, when this is done, all the secret chats you have will be lost.

What To Do If You Have Forgotten Your Passcode On Telegram

Forgotten Your Passcode On Telegram?

So now you know what to do if you have forgotten your Passcode on Telegram. Users are advised to use a passcode that is easy to remember yet highly secured enough to protect their data and private information.

You can follow the steps outlined below to enable Passcode Lock on Telegram.

1. Launch the Telegram app

2. Click on the 3-Horizontal lines at the top left corner of the app

3. Next, go to -> Settings

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4. On the Settings section, click on “Privacy and Security

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5. Under Security, click on “Passcode Lock

How To Enable Passcode Lock On Telegram App 4

6. To enable Passcode Lock on Telegram, you need to switch the Passcode Lock button

7. Once it has been switched, enter a passcode

8. Next, re-enter the same passcode

9. You are finally done.

That is how easy it is to enable Passcode lock on Telegram. When you set up an additional passcode, a lock icon will appear on the chat page. Just tap to lock or unlock your Telegram app.

In conclusion, now you know what to do if you have forgotten your passcode on Telegram. You also learned how to protect your Telegram app with Passcode Lock.

Kindly share on your social media platforms, and let’s hear from you in the comment session how this tutorial helped.