
How To Apply For Alpha College of Technology Admission


If you are interested in applying for Alpha College of Technology Admission, then this article is for you. In this guide, you will learn how to apply for Alpha College of Technology Admission without any hassle.

Kindly follow the steps provided below for more information on how to apply.

Read Also: Courses Offerd At Alpha College Of Technology

Alpha College of Technology Admission

Below are the steps on how to apply for Alpha College of Technology Admission. Applicants are to follow these steps to successfully apply for admission:

1. Visit the College’s portal at:

2. Locate and hover-over Admissions and click on Apply Now

3. Now, select and download the admission forms you want to apply for (Certificate, Diploma, or Degree Forms)

4. Once downloaded the form, fill out all the required fields with accurate information.

5. Next, an applicant will have to make Bank Payment. Applicants would have to pay a processing fee of GHC 100.00 for Local Students and USD 100.00 for foreign students at the time of submission.

6. Attach the following documents to the completed application form:

  • A completed Application Form
  • An official Results Slip/Certificate
  • Transcripts from previous Universities (where applicable). Such transcripts should be sent directly to the Admissions Officer. It is the responsibility of the applicant to arrange for transcript(s) and /or transfer forms to be mailed and to ensure that they arrive promptly.

7. The completed paper application documents along with photographs, transcripts, and certificates/results slips must be submitted to:

The Registrar

Alpha College of Technology

P. O. Box KN 5847,


Greater Accra – Ghana West Africa

Hand-delivered transcript(s) are not acceptable.

In conclusion, these are the details on how to apply for Alpha College of Technology admission. For more information, click here.