10 Tips to Study in South Africa and Achieve Your Academic Goals

Studying in South Africa, one of the most beautiful countries in the world, can be an unforgettable experience and lead to new academic and social opportunities that will open doors to your future. Below are 10 tips on how to study in South Africa and make the most of your time abroad.

Tips to Study in South Africa

1) Ask for help

No matter how tough things get, asking for help is always a good idea, says Kerstin Herbet, an international studies coordinator at Middlebury College.

If you don’t speak English well enough to explain what you want or need, a smile can go a long way. Don’t forget that there are many people out there who want to help! Don’t be afraid to ask for what you need; it’s better than not asking at all! If all else fails, take advantage of on-campus student services such as academic support centers.

2) Get organized

Studying abroad is not only fun but can be a life-changing experience, too. As an international student, you may be feeling incredibly excited about your new lifestyle but it’s important that you make sure you’re organized when studying in South Africa.

If you have no idea how to study in South Africa, then here is one of the top 10 tips for studying abroad. It is crucial that you organize yourself as much as possible so that you don’t miss out on any of your classes or exams. Make sure you know where all your classes are located, where all your textbooks are, and what time they start/end.

In addition, there are many other things that will help you achieve academic success while studying abroad including joining extra-curricular activities; staying healthy; making friends with other students; getting involved with clubs or societies; and attending university events (e.g., lectures). All these things will help keep you motivated while studying in South Africa so don’t forget them!

3) Use time effectively

Time is money. In fact, it’s more than that. It’s your health, it’s your relationships, it’s everything you value. So don’t waste time on inefficient study habits or procrastination because they cost you opportunities: the opportunity to learn, the opportunity to socialize with friends who will help you grow into a better person… the opportunity to make memories that enrich your life later on.

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4) Understand your academic environment

It’s easy to romanticize your academic environment. After all, for many international students it’s their first time living abroad. But if you’re serious about studying in South Africa, you need a dose of reality: competition is fierce, language barriers are real and tuition fees are high.

So before enrolling at any school, do some research on its reputation for success, as well as your chances of getting financial aid. Also consider if you would be able to get financial support from other sources such as scholarships or grants. If not, find out how much money you’ll need to pay upfront. And don’t forget to explore ways to make your education more affordable. For example, ask if there are courses that can be taken online instead of in-person—and look into opportunities for study abroad programs that could lower costs while providing valuable experience.

Finally, think through what type of degree will help you achieve your long-term goals—and then choose a program that offers those options.

5) Connect with your peers, lecturers, and tutors

Establish a strong network early on with other students. If you don’t know anyone, check out your campus notice board for upcoming student society events, where you can make some friends.

Also, connect with your lecturers and tutors directly. They’re often happy to help you out if they know what’s going on in your life; remember that they were once students themselves too! Some even have their own websites or blogs – find them online and send them an email. You never know who might be able to give you some advice or point you in the right direction.

6) Take responsibility for your own success

You may think your grades are determined by a professor’s whims, but taking an active role in your education can help you take charge of your grades. Read through lecture notes, create flashcards, and attend office hours to get one-on-one time with professors (instead of just emailing them).

You may be able to figure out what areas you need extra help on and ask for more frequent check-ins. In fact, studies show that students who ask for more help tend to get better grades.

Having a strong relationship with your professors can also give you insight into their grading philosophy which will make it easier for you when it comes time for your grade reviews.

7) Find out what you like doing most

As a student, you have tons of time on your hands. Put it to good use by discovering things you love doing so that you can excel in your studies. If studying isn’t really your thing, make sure that taking up an extracurricular activity is!

By finding out what you love doing most, you’ll find out what motivates you – something which is essential for success at university. Students who enjoy their studies usually perform better than those who are simply fulfilling a ‘responsibility’ or a ‘must do’. There’s more work involved but it’s worth it!

8) Learn how to learn better

Learning a new language is tough, but if you’re looking for a challenge, you might try learning Afrikaans. Although it’s spoken by around 5 million people, most of whom live in South Africa, as well as Namibia and Botswana, it’s not very popular elsewhere (only about 2 million other people worldwide can speak it). However, taking on such a challenge might have tangible benefits—while studying abroad was more difficult for me because I couldn’t understand anything anyone said!

If you want to study abroad but are worried about how your proficiency will hold up when faced with reality instead of textbooks or online courses then consider learning Afrikaans. And don’t worry – apartheid isn’t an offensive word when used correctly.

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9) Try something new

New skills can change your life. It doesn’t matter if you’re attending school or not—there are so many new things to learn out there! If you think your time is better spent finishing that boring class, though, think again.

Keep learning and you will improve yourself physically, mentally, socially, academical, and even professionally. With all of these benefits at stake (and more), it’s hard to believe that most people stop learning after just 18 years of schooling.

Make sure you don’t fall into that category by staying curious about everything around you! A new experience may be exactly what gets you where you want to go.

10) Make sure that what you’re learning is relevant!

It might be tempting to take all of your electives in one subject or another, but make sure that what you’re learning is relevant! Remember, universities are focused on teaching you how to think critically—not just regurgitate facts from a book.

In some cases, taking a broad approach can actually help students prepare for future careers. By diversifying their coursework, students are better equipped to consider different perspectives and become more flexible thinkers as they decide what direction they want their career to take.


Academic life can be tough, but it’s also what so many of us thrive on. Fortunately, there are some simple tricks you can employ to make your experience studying abroad a resounding success. By taking these tips with you as you embark on your study abroad journey, you’ll have a chance at success that won’t soon be forgotten. Good luck! Read more here.