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UDS Undergraduate Programmes Available for Admission

Check out the list of University for Development Studies, UDS Undergraduate programmes offered. Applicants who wish to apply for UDS admission may have to go through the list of courses provided below.

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UDS Undergraduate Programmes

UDS Undergraduate Programmes

Below is the full list of University for Development Studies Undergraduate Programmes:

  1. BA Development Education
  2. BEd Agricultural Science
  3. BEd Arabic
  4. BEd Basic Education
  5. BEd Business Studies
  6. BEd Early Childhood Care and Education
  7. BEd Family and Consumer Science
  8. BEd Social Science
  9. BSc Agribusiness
  10. BSc Agriculture Technology
  11. BSc Aquaculture Technology and Fisheries Science
  12. BSc Biotechnology and Molecular Biology
  13. BSc Community Nutrition
  14. BSc Ecotourism and Hospitality Management

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  1. BSc Environmental Management and Sustainability
  2. BSc Family and Consumer Science
  3. BSc Fisheries and Aquaculture Technology
  4. BSc Food Science and Technology
  5. BSc Forest Resource Conservation and Management
  6. BSc Health Information Management
  7. BSc Medical Imaging Technology
  8. BSc Midwifery
  9. BSc Nurse Anaesthesia
  10. BSc Nurse Practitioner
  11. BSc Nursing
  12. BSc Paediatric Nursing
  13. BSc Physician Assistant
  14. BSc Renewable Natural Resources
  15. BSc Social Change Communication

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  1. BSc Veterinary Nursing
  2. Certificate in Early Childhood Care and Education
  3. Diploma in Agriculture Science Education
  4. Diploma in Agriculture Technology
  5. Diploma in Basic Education
  6. Diploma in Biotechnology and Molecular Biology
  7. Diploma in Development Education
  8. Diploma in Development Education Studies
  9. Diploma in Early Childhood Care and Education
  10. Diploma in Family and Consumer Science
  11. Diploma in Social Change Communication
  12. Doctor of Medical Laboratory Science
  13. Doctor of Pharmacy
  14. MBChB (Medicine)

In conclusion, these are the University for Development Studies, UDS Undergraduate Programmes. You may visit the University’s campus for more information or their official website.