List of Programmes Offered at University of Education Winneba

The University of Education Winneba offers a wide range of Programmes each academic year. These are categorized under:

  • Certificate programmes
  • Diploma programmes
  • Undergraduate programmes
  • Graduate programmes.

If you are hoping to pursue your dream career at the University of Education Winneba (UEW), then you have already made the right decision. It is one of the best Institutions resposible for Teacher Education in Ghana.

Kindly go through the list of programmes provided below for more information and learn how to apply for admission without any problem.

University of Education Winneba Programmes

Below is a full list of University of Education Winneba Programmes:

Certificate Programmes

Diploma Programmes

Undergraduate Programmes

Graduate Programmes

These are the University of Education Winneba Programmes. You may want to visit the University Campus for more information or simply visit their website at: