Health Services Workers Union Membership Application - Smart Buzzing
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Health Services Workers Union Membership Application

Do you want to be a member of the Health Services Workers Union of the Trade Union Congress (TUC)? Do you have what it takes to become a member?

Well, in this guide, you will get to know more about Health Services Workers Union Membership Application and how to become a member.

Health Services Workers Union Membership Application

Health Services Workers Union Membership Application

1. Visit the official website at:

2. At the top-right of the Menu, locate and click on the “Apply” button

3. Fill out all the following required fields:

  • Full Name
  • Mobile Number
  • Staff ID
  • Grade
  • Facility Name
  • Region

3. Next, answer the question that follows.

4. Click on the “Submit Details” button

After submitting the details, you will have to wait for some time for the responsible team leaders to get back to you.

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