How To Show Battery Percentage On Your SmartPhone | 100% Complete Guide - Smart Buzzing
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How To Show Battery Percentage On Your SmartPhone | 100% Complete Guide

In this tutorial, you will learn how to Show Battery Percentage on your SmartPhone. You may be asking why the need to show battery percentage on your smartphone? Well, it’s really not a big deal, but it clearly gives you an indication of the duration.

When the battery percentage feature is enabled on your phone, you can estimate to know how long your phone must be on charge and also, when it will fully be charged.

Kindly read to the end of this article to make the modifications on your phone.

Show Battery Percentage on Your SmartPhone

Below are the steps to show Battery Percentage on your Smart Phones:

1. Go to your Phone’s Settings app

How to Show Battery Percentage on your SmartPhone

2. Search and click on -> Battery Lab. This opens up the Battery Lab window.

3. Next, under the Battery option, click/switch on the Battery Percentage

How to Show Battery Percentage on your SmartPhone 2

4. You are finally done.

That is how easy to enable or disable battery percentage on your smartphone.

In conclusion, now you know how to show battery percentage on your smartphone. You also follow this same procedure to turn it off (completely optional). If this article was helpful, kindly leave as a comment and share on your social media handles.