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5 Tips to Use Lighting to Boost Your Concentration and Studying

Probably you have heard of the circadian rhythm before, but do you know what it is? This is the natural sleep/wake cycle that determines our health and well-being. Basically, it is a 24-hour clock within our bodies that tells us when to sleep and when to be awake.

To maximize productivity and focus while studying or working on projects, it is important to minimize artificial light exposure at night as much as possible. Consider below for more insights:

Tips to Use Lighting to Boost Your Concentration and Studying

Below are five tips to use lighting to boost your concentration and studying.

The need for lighting

Lighting is one of the most important factors that can influence your mood. It can also help with concentration and studying, which is why you should know how lighting affects your body and mind.
For example, when you are studying in a dimly lit room, it may cause you to feel sleepy or stressed out.

When you are in an environment with too much light, it can give you a headache or make it difficult for you to study properly by messing up your circadian rhythm. In order to maintain the right amount of light in a space, try using a few different lamps rather than relying on overhead lighting alone. You should also take care not to have any bright lights shining directly into your eyes while studying as this may lead to eye strain or headaches.

Natural light

Natural light is the best type of light to use when studying because it mimics the sun’s natural brightness, which can help improve moods, increase productivity, and reduce eye strain. Additionally, natural light is free in most cases.

In order for natural light to be most effective at improving concentration, it should be able to reach your desk or workspace without any major obstructions. If you have a large window near your desk that gets a lot of sunlight throughout the day then this will work well for you.

Alternatively, if you’re near a window but it doesn’t get much sunlight during the day then consider using a lamp that lets in natural light or using curtains that block artificial lighting while still letting in some natural light.

Artificial lighting

Artificial lighting is often used in a work or study setting. There are several different types of artificial light, but the most common three are incandescent, fluorescent, and LED. Fluorescent lights have been developed for their long lifespan which can be up to 10 times longer than an incandescent bulb. Fluorescent lights also use less electricity so you don’t have to worry about a costly electric bill. Plus, there’s no need for mercury as fluorescent lights use xenon gas instead!

Learn how different types of lights affect your learning

Different types of lighting affect your concentration in different ways. Here are five helpful tips on how you can use lighting to boost your concentration and studying:

  • Avoid bright lights when it’s dark outside – This will trick your brain into thinking it’s day which will help you stay focused.
  • Turn off the TV – The TV is a distraction that will make it harder for you to stay concentrated.
  • Dim the lights at night – This will help you sleep better by not overstimulating your body with light. >
  • Adjust screens – Screens emit blue light which triggers alertness, making it hard for you to concentrate in darker settings. Adjust screens so they’re not too bright or place a screen filter over them.
  • Take breaks!

Get to know the color temperature of your light

Color temperature is measured in Kelvin degrees, with a lower number being cooler (bluer) and higher numbers being warmer (yellower). Different colors of light have different effects on our moods. We are most productive under cool light that is not too bright, but we work better under warm light when we are emotionally exhausted or need some relief from the stress of working. Here’s how to use lighting to boost your concentration


  1. Consider a desk lamp with a flexible neck. You can adjust the angle of your light so that it doesn’t shine in your eyes, making it easier for you to concentrate.
  2. Try using LED lights instead of fluorescent or incandescent bulbs, which have been shown to have negative effects on mood and productivity levels.
  3. Adjust the color temperature of your light sources if possible the ideal range is between 2,700K-4,200K (warm) or 5,100K-6,500K (cool).
  4. Make sure that your lighting is not too bright by purchasing dimmer switches or experimenting with different wattages from low-wattage bulbs to full-wattage bulbs.